Why numb fingers


2018-03-25 17:15:08




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Whether to sound the alarm if you feel numbness in hands? To answer this question, we should remember how frequently and under what circumstances have you observed this phenomenon. Because of the reasons why numb fingers, maybe a few. Let's consider these reasons.

If one day you woke up this morning and felt the fingers of the hand you have lost sensitivity, but after some time everything was back to normal, do not worry: most likely, you just slept on that arm and you have it “stiff”. That is not enough blood supplied tissue of the hand, and why was the numbness. Or the whole body was in an awkward position, which caused compression of the vertebral discs of the thoracic, which led ultimately to the numb hands.

Another reason why numb fingers, is long wearing heavy bags on the shoulder strap. Close the cuffs in the shirt can also lead to temporary numbness of the hands. Often, when we write the school Board, hang the curtains or turn the light bulb, also feel numbness in the fingertips. This comes from the fact that for too long we keep our hands above the head.

The Answer to the question, why numb fingers in cold weather, is that the arteries and blood vessels constrict due to the temperature contrast. Frequent numbness of fingers is also observed in members of certain professions. Especially it affects people who are forced to work long at the computer: control keyboard and mouse requires a DC voltage of the brush. Ligaments, muscles and tendons responsible for finger work, lie in the so-called carpal tunnel, and at a constant voltage in the tunnel of inflammation, manifested first in tingling fingers, then if the voltage is not removed, swelling and pain in the hands. This disease of the wrist which is called carpal tunnel syndrome, can be found at the Swiss, Assembly-line workers, milkmaids.

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But talking about why numb fingers, not to mention that it can be the visible sign of a hidden and serious diseases. And if numbness of the hands you have very often, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Most often hands are going numb due to the syndrome kabarenova channel that is pinched nerve due to inflammation and swelling of tendons. It can also be the consequence of clip of the neurovascular bundle, metabolic disorders, intoxication, vitamin deficiency, emotional breakdown, trauma to the shoulder or forearm.

Very often our hands let us know about violations in those organs which are in General located far away from your fingers. A serious disease from which a person numbs the tips of the fingers, it is osteochondrosis, hernia or curvature of the disk, other pathology of the ridge of the vertebrae, including the neck.

Has also been important, which hand is numb. If it's the left, there is a reason to suspect osteochondrosis of the vertebral column. When you are feeling the typical numbness in the little finger or the ring finger on his left hand, then this may be the first alarm bell stroke – please report these symptoms to the cardiologist.

Talk in conclusion, not only about why numb fingers, but also how to avoid it. With monotonous work fingers give your hands a rest as often as possible. Do some simple exercises: shake hands, make some rotational movements, squeeze and unclench the fist. In cold weather, do not give up the gloves. The early spring increase consumption of vitamins A and B. If the numbness is the only symptom of degenerative disc disease of the cervical vertebrae or similar diseases, then you need to see a specialist, which in this case is to treat the spine, not the hand.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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