Breath delay. The secrets of performance art


2018-03-24 01:31:07




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Breath holding – this is one of the basic yoga techniques. If performed correctly, this technique carries a very big favor, refreshes the body, gives psychological peace. Experienced yogis have that technique perfectly, can hold their breath up to an hour and not experience any negative consequences. This technique was not always popular. Previously, it was known only to very narrow circle of devoted people. Information about this technique was passed down literally from mouth to mouth.

The breath for a long time is available for all, you only need to regularly devote time to training. What is the main benefit of this study? Begins to stimulate cellular respiration. After this is activated the activity of cells, biological processes in the body are accelerated, which improves the functioning of all vital organs.

There are different types of breathing delays, each of which has its use. Therefore, even a beginner can quickly improve their health using simple equipment. The breath, continuing for 3-20 seconds, allows the body to best absorb oxygen. This technique has no contraindications and is available to almost everyone. Stop breathing for a period of from 20 to 90 seconds has a beneficial effect on the whole body. However, this technique is only under the supervision of a mentor with a wide experience of practices in this area. Stop breathing for a period exceeding 90 seconds, renews and activates all the features of the physical body and psyche. However, to perform this procedure under strict supervision of a mentor. Before long-term cessation of breathing necessary hard training.

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For proper execution of this exercise, it is necessary to know the basic rules. First, practitioners need a few weeks to do yoga. Why? Breath holding requires that the spine was quite flexible. Otherwise, without the necessary training can be purchased a number of problems.

Second, during the performance of the technique need to completely relax all the muscles. The spine should be straight, upper body slightly tilted forward.

Third, these practices are performed only on an empty stomach.

Fourth, in order to stop breathing to be longer, you need to take several deep breaths.

How to know whether you carry out the exercise? Measure your pulse. The heart beats should be rare. However, they also become much stronger than usual. You have to feel the ripple that shakes your whole chest. At the end of the exercise, make a conscious and slow exhale. You should use abdominal muscles. It should be followed by a short delay of breathing on exhalation. Then allow the inhalation to happen automatically. All the stages of exercises perform slowly and consciously, there should be no sharpness. After a brief training is recommended to perform a series of breathing delays with a small interval. You will immediately notice that exercises given to you easier and easier.

Remember that such techniques are important regularity and gradualness. Not immediately to practice long breathing stops. Moreover such haste still will not bring positive results. Be sure that the correct breath, the benefit of which is undeniable, improves blood circulation, activates a healthy metabolism, increase cell viability, ensure the excellent functioning of the nervous system. Do the exercises regularly and you will quickly notice their beneficial effects.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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