The yogurt maker: recipes. How to prepare yogurt in the yogurt maker: recipes


2018-05-21 01:00:39




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Table of contents:

yogurt maker recipesQuite difficult to maintain your health is normal, if you do not follow the correct diet regime and nutrition. That is why experts recommend every day to eat real dairy products, contributing to the excellent work of the digestive tract, increase immunity of the body and strengthening teeth and bones.

Today, quite a lot of people start the morning with delicious and nutritious yogurt. However, with a product sold in stores, is not always beneficial to the human body. In this regard, it is desirable to do at home, using a thermos, a pot or a special device like a yogurt maker. Recipes of the Goodies found no problem. By the way, about them today and speech will go. However, we will consider not only ways to prepare delicious yogurt, and other desserts that can be done using this device.

General information

Maker (recipes are described a bit below) is a small household electrical item of rectangular or round shape, which is able to maintain a special microclimate and the desired temperature for the development of lactic acid bacteria. To buy this device in any technique, specializing in store at affordable price.

yogurt maker recipes

How to prepare yogurt in the yogurt maker (recipes)?

Classic fermented milk product in such a device is pretty easy. However, the final preparations will have to spend 4 to 10 hours.

So, let us consider in more detail the recipe for yogurt in the yogurt maker “Moulinex”. For this we need the following components:

  • Fresh milk 3.5% fat-1 l
  • Starter – the dose should be taken from the user.

Right selection of ingredients

Recipes for the yogurt maker “Moulinex” may include different products. However, if you want to cook only yogurt, then you need to purchase only two of the aforementioned ingredient. Sourdough is delicious and useful product it is advisable to buy at pharmacies or health food stores. As for milk, this drink can be taken any. Although before the mixing with the fermented milk bacteria it is recommended to boil. Let everything in order.

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The brewing Process

The Only “Moulinex" (recipes for desserts such device will be described a bit below) we need only to lactic acid bacteria multiply faster. As for the heated main drink, then it is allowed to use ordinary oven. Thus, fresh milk to be poured into an enamel bowl, put on fire and bring to boil. In this state, the beverage is preferably maintained for a quarter of an hour, and then cool completely. Later in boiled and cooled milk to add the starter and mix thoroughly to avoid lumps. The resulting mixture should be poured in pre-sterilized and wiped dry the molds and then put them in the yogurt maker. After this, the tank should be covered with a lid to put the heating mode and enable. Depending on what supplements you use, and what density of product want to get, yogurt can be prepared from 4 to 10 hours.

Other desserts

What can be done with a device such as a yogurt maker? Recipes dairy products are not solely limited to use milk and leaven. After all, today there is a huge amount and other ingredients, through which you can make a very tasty and healthy desserts for the whole family. Consider some of them in more detail.

Moulinex yogurt maker recipes

Treat for coffee lovers

Recipes for yogurtnitsy Tefal virtually indistinguishable from those methods of cooking that are designed for the brand “Moulinex” and so on. Therefore, we will focus on the manufacturer, and will present multiple options.

So, for coffee and dessert we need:

  • The sand is fine sugar-110 g;
  • Any instant coffee – 4 large tablespoons;
  • Milk 4% fat content – around 1-1,2 l;
  • Starter-add instructions.

How to prepare?

Fresh milk should be brought to the boil and then dissolve it in any coffee and fine sugar. The resulting drink you want to cool, put to it the yeast and mix thoroughly. Next, a homogeneous coffee weight, you need to distribute the forms, close them with a lid and put in the device. After 8 hours of exposure the yogurt should be placed in the refrigerator for 60 to 120 minutes, and serve.

recipes for yogurtnitsy tefal

Hearty Breakfast for children

Desserts in the yogurt maker, the recipes of which we discussed in this article, may include quite different components. Let us consider what would happen if such a treat to add the biscuits and marshmallows. For this we need:

  • The sand is fine sugar-70 g;
  • Marshmallows in any color, but without the icing – 5 PCs.
  • Cookies “Jubilee” - 4 PCs.
  • Milk 4% fat content – around 1-1,2 l;
  • Yogurtshop berry – 1 portion.

Cooking delicious Breakfast

Fat fresh milk should be put in a metal bowl, bring to boil, then remove from heat and cool completely, pre-vsypav sugar. After this drink you want to add a serving of berry yogurt purchased in the store, and stir thoroughly. Next to the bottom of the molds you must put crushed biscuits and chopped marshmallows, and then pour the previously prepared starter culture and put in the device for 8 hours. After this time the product required to withstand in the refrigerator and then serve. It should be noted that this treat so delicious, flavorful and hearty.

Healthy dessert with canned fruits

prepare the yogurt in the yogurt maker recipes

How to make a delicious treat using a device such as a yogurt maker? The recipes of these products can include not only fresh fruit but also canned. For them dessert would be more sweet and fragrant.

So, we will need:

  • Fruits or berries, canned (pineapple, peaches, plums, apricots, etc.) – 4 PCs.
  • Sweet syrup (the one which was fruit) – 5 large spoonfuls;
  • Milk 4% fat content – around 1-1,2 l;
  • Starter – add according to instructions.

The brewing Process

Fresh milk should boil over high heat, then remove from heat, allow to cool, add the chopped canned fruits, sweet syrup and the required amount of yeast. All the ingredients required to mix with a mixer and then pour into sterilized tins and cook in the yogurt maker for about 5-8 hours. The finished dessert must be covered with lids and let stand in the refrigerator at least two hours.

Make a vanilla dessert with honey

dessert maker recipes

To date, developed an incredible amount of desserts that you can prepare with the help of this cooking device, like a yogurt maker. Recipes for dairy products include not only the standard set of products, consisting of milk and starter culture, other ingredients. They can do home treat much tastier and more useful than what is sold in the store. For such products we may need the following components:

  • Vanilla-add to taste;
  • Lime honey fresh – 5 large spoonfuls;
  • Brown sugar – a little (add to taste);
  • Plate of almond – 3 dessert spoons;
  • Milk 4% fat content – about 1-1,2 liters;
  • Starter-add instructions.

Make a healthy dessert

For the preparation of such products it is necessary to boil fat milk and then allow to cool, add the vanilla, fresh lime honey, brown sugar (if desired), plates of almond and sourdough. Further, all components need to be mixed thoroughly, pack into clean, dry molds and put in yogurt maker. On average, a delicacy prepared about 7 hours. After the dessert thickens, it should be tightly closed with a lid and refrigerate. It should be noted that the product is not only delicious, but also wholesome and nutritious.

Delicious and delicate cheese

Cottage Cheese in the yogurt maker – is not a myth. Because this dairy product is quite often done with the aid of the presented device. For this we need:

  • Fresh milk of any fat content – 1 liter;
  • The starter for the preparation of cheese – a bottle.

How to do?

recipe of the yogurt in the yogurt maker Moulinex

The Processes of making cheese and yogurt in the yogurt maker very similar. However, the difference between them is still there. To do this, pour the milk of any fat content in enamel container and then bring it to the boil and allow to cool. Later in the cooled drink you want to add leaven and mix the ingredients. Thereafter, the resulting mixture must be poured into the container for cooking of the curd (if you have it) and put in the device. To make such a product in the yogurt maker should be about 4-6 hours. After this time homogeneous and thick mixture is required to pour into the pan and immediately place it in a water bath. In this condition milk weight it is recommended to wait at least 45 minutes. After that, the contents of the tank must be put in a cheesecloth and drain off all the whey. In the end, you should get a very tender and tasty cottage cheese which should be served together with sour cream, sugar or berry jam.

To Summarize

As you can see, the maker (recipes for it were considered a bit above) is a very useful home appliance. With it you can create an incredibly tasty and healthy dessert, which will be welcome not only adults but also children. It is also worth noting that, in addition to the classic yogurt, this device is quite easy and easy to do delicate fine-grained cottage cheese, yogurt, buttermilk or even sour cream. Rest assured, once taking advantage of this device you will never leave it aside.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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