Chechen recipe: cepages. Especially cooking, kinds, toppings


2018-04-25 15:00:46




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Caucasian cuisine is rich in recipes all sorts of cakes, pies and pasties, cooked from fresh or yeast dough with various fillings inside. This hychiny, and kutaby and delicious Ossetian pies. And today, all who like the Caucasian cuisine, you can replenish your piggy Bank of recipes another dish that originated from the North Caucasus, which is called cepages.

What is cephalgias?

Capellas – it is the national dish of the Chechen-Ingush kitchen, one of the oldest in the Caucasus. However, in Dagestan love him no less and used in the process of cooking this recipe. Cepages is a thin flat cakes made of unleavened dough with filling inside (most often potato or cottage cheese). In Chechnya, they are sometimes even called pancakes, they are so gentle.

recipe of cepages

With Capellas mountain peoples associated with many traditions and rituals found mention of it in songs and in fairy tales. Thin pancakes with pumpkin definitely baked that day, when the child took his first steps. Doing them at once in large quantities, treating relatives, friends and acquaintances.

There are wedding ritual associated with the pellet, cephalgias. On the third day after the wedding, from the dress of the bride pulled out a needle, stuck it in the middle of the flatbread and threw it into the water. Then, cephalgias shot, thereby driving away from the woman of evil spirits. After that, she could gain from the river water and bring it to the house without fearing for their health.

Types of toppings for the Chechen depalgos

All the taste of tortillas, Capellas is in the stuffing, although sometimes they are ready and without it, just like thin pancakes. They also are quite tasty.

cepages recipe

Traditionally, cephalgias cooked with cottage cheese. But can use other types of filling:

  • Pumpkin;
  • Potatoes;
  • Salty cheese;
  • Mince meat.

In General, the filling for chapalas – it is a ground for experimentation. No less tasty happens tortillas, cooked with herbs, garlic and other ingredients.

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Cephalgias: cooking secrets

As with any national cuisine, Capellas also has its own characteristics preparation:

  1. Fry the tortillas just for a hot dry pan. Ready cephalgias shift on a plate, then liberally grease with melted butter.
  2. A Unique technology of cooking, Capellas is that the finished pellet be sure to drop for a few seconds in clean boiling water. In this way the surface of the pellet is washed off the flour, Nagar, and she becomes unusually soft and tender. To cope with such a “ritual” for the experienced housewife, therefore, to simplify the task, many simply sbryzgivayut, cephalgias hot water.
  3. Cephalgias always folded pile, then the bread is well impregnated with melted butter on both sides. After the stack is sufficiently high, it cut down on the 5-6 pieces.
  4. Cephalgias, the recipe of which every family passes down from generation to generation, made exclusively round shape and roll out as thinly as possible.
  5. Chechen scones served with hot tea or milk beverages.

how to cook, cepages

Preparation test for depalgos

According to the traditional recipe, Capellas made from unleavened dough. For it will need yogurt and flour, taken in the ratio 1:1, and a teaspoon of salt and soda.


  1. In a bowl sift the flour (600 g), add salt, soda, mix with hands and pour 600 ml of buttermilk (you can substitute homemade yogurt).
  2. The Dough is thoroughly kneaded, adding more if needed flour (optional, you may need 50 g). The result should be soft and elastic dough that is slightly sticky (if you are rolling you will need to pour the flour).
  3. A Bowl of kneaded dough cover with a lid or towel and leave it on the counter “relax” 15-20 minutes.
  4. After the specified time the dough is once again kneaded on the table, adding flour if necessary (about 70 g). It is important not to overdo it otherwise the scones will be too hard, and roll them so hard. Put the dough in a bowl and leave under a towel another 15 minutes.
  5. Once the dough “rested” due to the swollen gluten it is uniform and as the elastic is very good stretches, so, cephalgias, the recipe of which is here presented, it will break when rolling.

The Dough is ready, you can begin the formation of a pellet.

How to form a pellet, depalgos

Once the dough is sufficiently rested, and the filling is prepared, you can start rolling the tortillas. To do this, the total volume of the test cut (or tear) a piece weighing no more than 250 Experienced cooks recommend to form just three pellets, as they are fried very quickly.

Each piece of dough should form an elastic ball. It can be dusted with flour if necessary to roll out the tortilla from sticking to the table. The ball of dough is gradually stretched by hand until, until it becomes a thickness of about 10 mm. Then prepared a cake to bring to the table and continue to roll out with a rolling pin (to 3-5 mm). Strive to ensure thatthe edges of the circle were thinner than the middle.

cepages recipe

For each rolled tortilla is laid out cold filling. By volume it should be the same as it was a test. It is formed from a same ball, which then spread to the center of the pellet. Next you need to make (connect) the edges of the dough so that the filling was completely closed. For this purpose, the way from the edge to the center.

For rolling out the tortilla lay seam side down on pritrushenny flour on the table. Its thickness in the finished form should not exceed 4 mm. Unroll the cake mostly on the center, constantly turning and rotating in different directions. Observe that the edges do not become too thin.

When the three cakes are rolled out, you can start to fry, cephalgias potatoes, the recipe of which is presented below, or with other ingredients. You need to heat the pan. Fry tortillas on both sides until Golden brown. Then, cephalgias wipe with a dry towel to remove any excess flour, alternately, to lower in boiling water or sprinkle with hot water. Cool down on a plate in a pile, greasing them with butter.

Start making the filling.

Cephalgias potatoes

For potato filling you will need about 800 grams potatoes, boiled in their skins. It is recommended that this method of cooking because the filling will become more dry, and therefore, the tortilla will be easier to roll out, will not drip and will not break.

cepages with potatoes recipe

Boiled potatoes you need to peel, mash well into a puree, add salt, pepper and other spices to taste. You can additionally fry finely chopped onion. It will be a recipe for chapalas with potatoes and onions. After the filling has cooled, you can shape the cake.

How to cook, cephalgias with cottage cheese

This filling for cakes, Capellas is considered a classic. Generally cheese is a very popular product all Caucasian people and is often used as a filling for different pastries.

recipe of the Chechen cepages

The amount of dough that can be extracted from 500 ml of yogurt, you will need about 1 kg of dry cottage cheese. You will need to add 1-2 eggs (depends on the humidity of cottage cheese), green onions and salt to taste. The filling should not be too wet. Otherwise the cake will break when rolling. Recipe, cephalgias with cottage cheese can be corrected to your liking. All who do not like onions, you can replace it with other greens or not removed from the recipe.

Cephalgias with pumpkin

Chechen cakes with pumpkin filling came out very tasty and juicy. The difficulty in their preparation may occur when rolling.

For the filling, the pumpkin is peeled and baked in the oven for 40 minutes or cook until done on the stove. Then squash to mash until state puree. It should be noted that if you choose the second option of cooking the stuffing is more dry. Optionally the pumpkin puree add fried onions or fresh green onions.

cepages with pumpkin recipe

So do cephalgias with pumpkin. The recipe of these cakes is not complicated. But be sure to adhere to the preparation technology.

Recipe of the Chechen cephalgias cornmeal

A classic recipe of the Chechen tortillas use wheat and corn flour, which is considered more useful. But such cephalgias have a specific taste that not everyone likes. Therefore, in a modern interpretation of the recipe, cephalgias with corn flour is used occasionally.

However, those who want to taste the cakes prepared according to old version, you need to know that the proportions for the dough are the same.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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