Soup of green peas. The recipes of the most delicious soups.


2018-04-01 10:49:08




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Most Often green peas are used as additives to all kinds of salads, served as a separate dish or a side dish. In addition, pea has proven itself as an ingredient of various soups. Soup of green peas can be prepared quickly and easily. This dish will turn out very satisfying, as the peas contain high amount of protein.
Soups with the addition of peas very much, and each of them has his own original and tasty. Offer a few simple recipes that will allow you to prepare delicious meals in a short time, and satisfying to feed your whole family.

Soup of green peas

To prepare this soup, we need about three liters of water, a pound of pork ribs, a pack of green peas (fresh or frozen), medium carrot, onions, two tablespoons of sour cream, a little vegetable oil, any fresh herbs, two Bay leaves, pepper and salt according to your taste.

Preparation: take a pan, put in her ribs, fill with water and boil. Once the water boils, throw the green peas and (after five minutes) peeled and diced potatoes. For those who love potatoes resveritol, you can throw it together with peas.

While the soup is cooking, prepare zazharku. Shinkuem onions finely and fry in a pan with a small amount of vegetable oil. Grate the carrot and add to the onions. Once the vegetables acquire a Golden color, put the sour cream and simmer about two minutes. Our roast is ready. Add it to the soup and cook until fully cooked peas. Ready soup from green peas sprinkle with finely chopped dill and parsley.
To improve the taste in the soup, add sour cream.

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Cream soup of green peas

The ingredients: 400 grams of fresh or canned peas, a Cup of shredded lettuce, green onions, about a liter of chicken broth, a teaspoon of sugar, a little black pepper and chervil, 25 grams of butter and salt to taste.

Let's get cooking: in a pan put 350 grams of peas, lettuce and chervil. Pour chicken broth, pepper, salt and put on fire. Once the broth boils, diminish the fire and cook for 30 minutes. Next, pour in a Cup of broth, boiled peas grind through a sieve, pour the broth again and add the butter. Put on the heat and cook for 10 minutes.
The Finished soup from green peas is poured into plates and spread the rest of the peas.

Pea Soup frozen

This soup turns out pretty thick and very tasty.
We need the following products: two medium onions, a clove of garlic, a litre of vegetable broth 300 grams of frozen peas, a slice of smoked bacon, four tomatoes, green onions, vegetable oil, half a Cup of sour cream, pepper and a little salt.

Ingredients: one head of peeled onion finely shinkuem, grind the garlic and lightly fry in vegetable oil. In a saucepan with the vegetable stock, put the green peas, onions and garlic and put it on the fire to boil, until cooked peas. My tomatoes, cut in half, remove seeds and cut into small cubes. Green onion cut into rings. Bacon cut into small cubes and fry in a pan, add the tomatoes, the remaining chopped onions, pepper, salt and stew under a lid for a few minutes.

Green peas are Cooked remove from the broth and grind through a fine sieve to make a puree. If possible, you can use a blender. Spread the pea puree in the broth, doselevel as needed and gently mix everything together. Ready soup poured on plates, put the bacon, green onions and sour cream.
Soup is simply delightful!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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