Pancakes with eggs without milk recipe


2018-03-25 23:46:13




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Do you Know how to make pancakes with eggs without milk? If you've never made this dessert, it is a step by step recipe, we will present a little further. Also we will tell you how to make pancakes without eggs with milk.pancakes with eggs without milk

Using these recipes, you will definitely get a very tasty and filling products that is perfect for family-friendly tea party.

Make pancakes without eggs milk

Few people know, but the pancakes cooked without milk, to be not less tasty, than the similar dessert, which was made on the basis of a milk drink.

So, to prepare delicious pancakes we need:

  • Medium-sized chicken eggs-3 PCs.
  • Sugar – 1,2 a large spoon;
  • Sea salt – 2/3 small spoon;
  • Sunflower oil-3 large tablespoons;
  • Cold water for drinking – 600 ml;
  • White flour-about 1 Cup (you may need slightly more or slightly less than);
  • Soda diner – ½ a small spoon.

pancakes milk eggs flourKnead the pancakes

Pancakes with eggs without milk prepared quickly and easily. Before frying these products, you need to knead basis. For this lightly beat eggs, then pour them 450 ml water, add sugar, sunflower oil, tablespoon baking soda and sea salt. All the ingredients mix until smooth. Then pour wheat flour.

Getting quite viscous pancake batter, thin it a bit, adding the last of their drinking water.

By the Way, the Foundation can be mixed, not the usual spoon, using a mixer. So you get a uniform batter with no lumps.

Fry the pancakes in the pan

Pancakes with eggs without milk should be fry in the classical way, using a thick-walled pan. In a bowl pour in a little oil (vegetable oil), and then strongly heated on the stove. Then take a soup ladle and scoop them homogeneous dough. Then in a circular motion pour in a hot frying pan. While the dishes immediately tilted in different directions.

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pancakes without eggs and milk

After these steps you should get a fairly large (for the size of the skillet) and a thin pancake. Waiting for the Browning of the bottom side, the product turn over with a spatula and continue to cook for another few minutes.

Making delicious pancakes, spread it on a plate and hot grease cooking fat (butter). As for the pan, then pour in another batch of dough and cook the same way.

How and what to present to the table?

As you can see, to cook pancakes without milk is quite real. Once all are fried, lay them nicely on a plate and presented to the members of the family along with a Cup of hot tea.

Cook delicious pancakes without eggs

How to make a delicious and hearty homemade pancakes? Milk, eggs, flour, sugar – these are the main components of the classic products. But not always these ingredients can be found in your refrigerator.

How to cook a delicious product without milk, we told above. Now I want to tell you about how to make hearty pancakes without eggs. For this we need the following ingredients:

  • Sugar – 1 large spoon;
  • Sea salt – 2/3 small spoon;
  • Sunflower oil-3 large tablespoons;
  • Milk warm whole – 500 ml;
  • White flour-about 1 Cup (may need more or less);
  • Dining room soda or baking powder-half small spoon.

pancakes milk eggs flour sugarKnead

How to make pancakes with milk? 3 eggs needed for the preparation of classic products. However, we decided to make a dessert without the mentioned component. This whole warm milk dissolve the sea salt and sugar, and add the sunflower oil and baking powder (you can use burnt tablespoon baking soda).

Having a homogeneous milky mass, it is gradually pour the sifted flour. This forms a fairly sticky dough. Additionally to thin it should not be, because without eggs liquid Foundation can stick to the pan and stay soggy.


As in previous recipe, for cooking pancakes, use only thick-walled pan. It was a good warm up, and then add a little oil (vegetable, about 25 ml). After that, hot pans spread a little of the dough and evenly distributes it.

Roast the bottom part of the pancake, turn it over with a spatula and cook for another few minutes. When both sides of the product is browned, remove it and grease with cooking oil. After that, the pan immediately to spread a new batch of dough and fry in the same way.

pancakes with milk 3 eggs

Serve pancakes to the table

It Should be noted that the pancakes without eggs are more soggy than the products that are prepared using the above-mentioned product. Feeding such products to the table can be any sweets. However, most pancakes are presented to households along with condensed milk or fresh honey. Also, family members have served a Cup of hot tea.

Make classic pancakes

How to make traditionalthin pancakes? Soda, milk, eggs, flour and water – the main ingredients of such products. Using them in the right proportions, you will definitely get a very tasty and filling dessert. To see this, offer to do it himself. For this we need the following components:

  • Sugar – 1 large spoon;
  • Sea salt – 2/3 small spoon;
  • Medium-sized chicken eggs-3 PCs.
  • Water – 200 ml;
  • Sunflower oil-3 large tablespoons;
  • Milk warm whole – 500 ml;
  • White flour – about 1.6 cups (may need more or less);
  • Dining room soda or baking powder-2/3 of a small spoon.

pancakes with milk 3 eggs

Cooking pancake dough

How to make traditional homemade pancakes? Milk, eggs, flour and soda mix not once, but serially. First take the eggs and break them in a deep bowl. The product is lightly whisking with a fork, it pour warm whole milk and add sea salt, baking soda and tablespoon sugar. Mix components, they spread sunflower oil and white flour. Kneaded viscous base, and it gradually diluting using drinking water. As a result of such actions get quite a liquid batter with no lumps.

For more slim and delicious classic pancakes finished base cover with lid and leave aside for 15-20 minutes.

How to cook?

Classic Fry pancakes on a frying pan should be exactly the same as described in the previous two recipes.

After the articles are browned on two sides, lay them alternately on a flat dish and grease with butter.

Present delicious crepes to the family table

As you can see, cooking traditional homemade pancakes is no big deal. To present them to the table preferably in a hot condition. In addition to these products are advised to submit a fresh Cup of tea and some sweets (e.g., honey, jam, maple syrup, jam, condensed milk, berries, fruit, etc.).pancakes soda milk eggs flour

If you have the desire, the thin homemade pancakes can be filled with any filling. Most often, this is done using the minced meat with rice or sweet cottage cheese with raisins. Stuffed pancakes, they are wrapped by the envelope, spread in a greased form and put it in the oven. In this form of the product is kept for ¼ hours (at 200 degrees) and then take out and serve along with tea or other drink.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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