Beer restaurant "Blackwood", Vladimir: address, reviews. Restaurant-brewery BlackwooD


2018-03-25 22:24:16




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Who would have thought that in the ancient Russian city of Vladimir is perched a real English pub? Reminiscent of his classic men's club restaurant-brewery BlackwooD attracts the attention of a growing number of visitors. And, by the way, not only men. Women are also very necessary to taste the hunting theme, expensive furniture, high-quality alcohol and richly prepared game. So, today we will discuss the restaurant "Blackwood" (Vladimir)!

Specialized institutions

The Abundance of wood in the interior and furniture accentuate expensive and quite an interesting situation. Many design elements were brought by the restaurant owner of numerous trips abroad. Hunting coloring added animal heads on the walls, and comfortable leather sofas and a real fireplace with real fire give the room coziness.

"Blackwood" (Vladimir)

Specialization of the restaurant – this beer, which is cooked in its own brewery. This legendary drink can be enjoyed the most delicious meat dishes.

In the restaurant you can arrange any occasion. Bachelor parties, hen parties, weddings and corporate events here are very fun and memorable for the participants of the ceremony. Well, with birthdays in the "Blackwood" has already become a good tradition for the residents of Vladimir.

Family legend

The Interesting thing is that the restaurant "Blackwood" (Vladimir) is an interesting legend that can learn every guest of the hotel. This is the story of how the English owner of the tavern and mill, Edward Blackwood glorified his family and the tavern by the best beer in the County.

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The Establishment of Blackwood brought them wealth, so that even had to invent their own coat kind. Decided what is best for their family fit the image of a mill wheel. Big black wheel hung on chains above the entrance to the family tavern Blackwood, and it hung there for as long as the son of Edward Blackwood took him on a trip to different cities and countries in search of ancient beer recipes for the home brewery.

In Russia, he accidentally fell ill and died. His belongings were in the possession of the peasants of Vladimir gubernia, and the black wheel was abandoned in the far shed, and beer recipes.

80 shillings

But only now managed to give blackbuckone wheel gloss, and ancient beer recipes to use. So spun the wheel of the brewery "Blackwood" in Vladimir, a famous English beer 80 shilling headed beer map of this interesting institution. Beer of their own making – it is that glorified restaurant.


The Brewery is in the restaurant "Blackwood" is equipped with modern equipment from Germany. Beer by the glass is prepared from the best raw materials – hops and malt, imported also from Germany. This drink is here presented in five grades and can be called the best in Vladimir: dark ale “stout”, Cologne El “kölsch", El light "IPA", Scottish ale according to a traditional recipe “80 shillings” and light wheat beer.

For brutal men

The beer you can select any cold or hot drinks, but in such a place, as a restaurant "Blackwood" (Vladimir), I prefer meat.

Recipe for brutal men – roast wild boar. What goes best with home-made beer, not the game? Even if it is not shot with his hands, hunting entourage will create the necessary atmosphere.

In Addition to wild boar, venison, you can try reindeer – in the form of clippings (one of the most expensive dishes – 1450 rubles). Also available to order venison, which is the signature recipe of the restaurant – dumplings "Blackwood". Yet there is meat from deer and elk.

“Daughter of don josé” and “Guys with Peter”

In addition to venison dishes are pork, lamb, poultry and fish. There is a smokehouse and grill.

From the side menu, everyone will find wild rice, vegetables and several kinds of potatoes. By the way, the names of the menu items very original and unique, for example, mashed potatoes are called here "Potato matocha”.

Beer on tap

Well, and the kitchen is in the "Blackwood" the Russo-European, so in the menu you can find such lovely things as "Daughter of don Jose" (that's nachos with guacamole and salsa), “Guys with Peter" (fried smelts with sauce tar-tar) and other creative, and not only in name but in performance as food.

There is a special soup "BlackwooD” – it is prepared with the addition of blackbushe Scottish ale with bacon. Its price is only 295 rubles.

Vintage recipes

The restaurant Menu is quite original. Old recipes interspersed with the author and the classic, traditional Russian cuisine. Many Scottish, English and Irish recipes, what is the main thrust "Blackwood".

Brasserie BlackwooD in Vladimir

The Desserts are standard: cheesecake, strudel, ice-cream, although there are homemade blueberry pie.

The Beer list includes the top Beers from England, Scotland, Germany, Ireland and Belgium. Russian craft beer is also present here. There are non-alcoholic drinks.

Large selection of alcoholic drinks, there's evenhomemade liqueurs. The cocktail menu includes hot drinks (mulled wine, grog) and the popular – “optional”, “Bloody Mary", "Margarita" and others. Prices for cocktails range 200-400 rubles.

We Can see that prices in the "Blackwood" is acceptable, this means that to join the beer culture can virtually be anyone.

Dinner with hunters

Reviews of the restaurant-brewery "Blackwood" (Vladimir) are different. But most of them positive. Many visitors like that it is very beautifully thought out and comfortable, but not at home, and especially – as if caught in a hunting Lodge somewhere in the forest, and now begins the Banquet, where the hunters are going to brag shot trophies, drinking ale, which is made here. A real man's atmosphere pleasing to the eyes of the representatives of the stronger sex. Although many ladies have to taste the local cuisine and original decor.

home-made Beer

The Brasserie "BlackwooD" in Vladimir-one of the most famous and beloved bars Russians. Visitors discuss beer, courtesy of a sample. Love the food and friendly service. The waiters are versed in the beer and food menu, and no confusion happens, bring orders quickly.

Clear concept

The Regulars praised the beautiful and welcoming atmosphere, polite waiters, unusual serving dishes, suitable decor and atmosphere, pleasant music, do not interfere to conduct interviews. Many liked the summer terrace, decorated in the style of an English garden. But most of all the rave reviews about the food and beer.

restaurant "Blackwood"

The Kitchen is very good, the dishes look really stylish, and they taste excellent. Some guests find it difficult at first to get used to the unusual taste of homemade beer, but you can try all five varieties and find her, and if it has not had to taste, there's always a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and cocktails in the restaurant's menu.

Some reviewers noticed that the town is not spoiled by of the quality of institutions, and therefore "Blackwood” – this is a real gem with a clear vision, a good approach to interior and exterior design, as well as delicious cuisine.

In the menu there are real delicacies. Service at the highest level and the atmosphere is simply unforgettable. On weekends and Friday nights it is better to book a table, as wanting to get at this time in the restaurant "Blackwood" decimal fraction of the lot.

On the stairs is carpeted, there is an aviary with Canaries that immediately catches the eye as soon as enter the restaurant, passing by a smiling hostess. In General, the interior of the restaurant is stunning, and interior design – this is another huge plus. "Blackwood".

Beer culture

There are reviews that the restaurant-brewery "Blackwood" promotes a beer culture. In England, Ireland, Germany love and appreciate beer, so institutions with the beer theme, there is not uncommon. It is remarkable that "Blackwood" contributes to the beer culture of Russia. There is also a very tasty wine and beer by the glass.

Ul. Large Nizhny Novgorod

You can Often see the opinion that "Blackwood" is out of the competition, because everything is at the highest level: food, atmosphere, and service. This place is made with love, why here and want to return again and again.

The Size of the portions as a pleasant surprise, besides the place is very beautiful crockery and Cutlery. It is evident that every detail is treated with care.

If you are looking for really high quality, stylish and atmospheric place, then you urgently need to visit the restaurant-brewery "Blackwood". Even if you have to go to Vladimir.

The restaurant "Blackwood" is located at the address: Vladimir, Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya, 11.

Russian school with English style will not leave anyone indifferent.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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