A by-product in the manufacture of oil - buttermilk: what is it?


2018-03-25 09:48:07




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Table of contents:

Milk buttermilk, which is popularly called the oiler is a by-product obtained in the manufacture of butter. It is a low fat cream.

buttermilk what is itButtermilk: what is it and how it worked in the old days?

Our ancestors for the production of oil for a long time churned cow's milk. This turned out creamy and buttermilk. The finished oil separated from the side of the component.

Modern manufacturing processes have significantly improved the preparation of butter milk. Shopping networks offer current time product, obtained from skim milk to which are added certain cultures of bacteria. The obtained white mass has a thick consistency. The bacteria in the milk turn the natural sugar into acid. Ready buttermilk includes in its membership not less than 0.5 per cent fat. Present in it protein as well as lecithin, vitamins, mineral salts and milk sugar. Buttermilk is reminiscent of yogurt. However, the product has a slightly tangy taste.

buttermilk useful propertiesButtermilk - what is it in dairy industry?

In some countries, this product finds wide application in the production of natural diet drinks, including their subspecies, including flavors and fillers. Buttermilk is made with condensed and dry concentrates, is designed for feeding kids. It is added in various food products. For example, in Australia, on its basis produce an analogue of butter. A manufactured product has a high elasticity and great spread on bread even after its direct extraction from the refrigerator.

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Buttermilk - what does this mean for residents of Bulgaria? This product, which is a huge number of fermented milk drinks. In them for aeration added baking yeast. In Hungary established manufacturer of sweet buttermilk. In Germany this product is used in the manufacture of cheese, cream and cheese.

Buttermilk is what it is for the Irish bakers? It is a traditional ingredient of bread. As a result of chemical reaction of baking soda, baking powder and lactic acid are incredibly tasty and fluffy loaves. Love the buttermilk and the inhabitants of hot countries. It is popular in India, middle East and Pakistan.

dairy buttermilkButtermilk, beneficial properties for the health of human body due to its balanced composition of mineral components, contains fats, promotes easy digestion of fat-soluble vitamins. Present in by-product of the production of oil and phospholipids. They help to normalize cholesterol and lipid exchanges.

With regular use of buttermilk aktiviziruyutsya the body's fight against obesity and pathologies of the liver. This product is useful for ailments of the nervous system and kidneys. Experts recommend to include buttermilk in the diet of patients with atherosclerosis. Produced from this drink cottage cheese diet is rich in lecithin, protein and many other valuable substances. That is why it is recommended to eat when colitis and enterocolitis. Healthy drink for the digestive tract. It normalizes the fermentation processes in the intestine, preventing putrefactive bacteria multiply.

Article in other languages:

BE: https://www.tostpost.com/be/ezha-napo/23284-pabochny-pradukt-pry-vyrabe-aleyu---pahta-shto-geta-takoe.html

DE: https://www.tostpost.com/de/essen-und-trinken/23295-nebenprodukt-bei-der-herstellung-von-l---buttermilch-was-ist-das.html

ES: https://www.tostpost.com/es/alimentos-y-bebidas/23320-el-producto-secundario-en-la-fabricaci-n-de-aceite---el-suero-de-la-le.html

KK: https://www.tostpost.com/kk/azy--t-l-k-zh-ne-susyndar/23281-zhanama-n-m-dayyndau-kez-nde-may---pahta-b-l-ne.html

PL: https://www.tostpost.com/pl/jedzenie-i-picie/23237-produkt-uboczny-przy-produkcji-oleju---ma-lanka-co-to-jest.html

PT: https://www.tostpost.com/pt/refei-es-e-bebidas/23238-um-subproduto-na-fabrica-o-de-leo---soro-de-leite-o-que.html

TR: https://www.tostpost.com/tr/yiyecek-ve-i-ecek/23288-yan-r-n-retiminde-ya---ayran-bu-nedir.html

UK: https://www.tostpost.com/uk/zha-napo/23266-pob-chniy-produkt-pri-vigotovlenn-masla---pahta-scho-ce-take.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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