How to make curd at home?


2018-03-23 17:57:08




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Dairy products in a person's life occupy a special place. Milk – this is not only protein, calcium, but also vitamins and lactic acid, necessary for the proper functioning of our body. Among the huge variety of dairy products it is possible to allocate the most basic is the milk, sour cream, cheese, butter, cream. Side products of milk production include whey, buttermilk (skimmed milk, which is produced as a result of removing from the milk cream). After churning butter also makes a delicious dairy product, the Tatars call it “bomb”, well, maybe someone else calls it that.

Special attention is to be given to cottage cheese, because among all the listed the highest content of protein and calcium. It is very useful for children and adults, especially for those who have problems with musculoskeletal system.

Many were Probably interested in how to make curd at home. Me too it became interesting, so I decided to study this process. Although how they get the cheese in industrial conditions, I know from before, as it is part of my profession. Now I will tell you how to make curd at home.

Ways to many consider the most accessible of them.

1) We need any amount of fresh kefir or yogurt, I have 1.5 liters of yogurt. Take a large pot, pour some water in it and bring to the boil. We need it as a water bath. In a small saucepan pour our yogurt and put it in a large. Now wait, when will begin to separate the serum, thus make sure that the yogurt does not boil, otherwise you'll get a hard cheese. The whole process takes about half an hour, sometimes a little longer. Then the whole mass pour into a large sieve (with small holes), and waiting when all the whey will drain. You can do otherwise: to use a bag of cheesecloth, but here the serum flows longer and the cheese a little compressed. For this recipe it turns out tender and delicious.

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How to make curd at home you now know, consider the method with the use of milk.

2) We need a carton of milk, two heaped tablespoons of sour cream. Milk bring to the boil (but not boil), then cool to room temperature and mix with sour cream. Set overnight in a warm place. The morning get fermented mixture. Heat it in a water bath and get the cheese. Now you can safely teach loved ones how to make cheese from milk.

In an industrial environment for the production of cheese using calcium chloride. It promotes rapid cuts in milk.

In General, according to tradition, our grandmothers knew how to prepare curd at home. As a rule, everyone in the village kept cows. Milk is not always drank, it was sour. This is what sour milk was heated at grandma's and got cheese, the most natural and home. Sometimes milk is specifically left to sour, to cook him a cheese.

Today, few people contains the cow to buy milk at any store. Therefore, it is possible to do for yourself cheese. By the way cottage cheese make a wonderful cheesecake. You can prepare different sweet cheese (this is especially glad that the kids and adults are not averse to eat).

Well cheese cheese snack, prepare it very simply. We take our fresh cheese, mix with salt (who wants salty – put more salt who is not very smaller). Mix all the dough and spread in the form or a regular plate. Pressed and wait a couple of days when the cheese Matures. The result is something similar to the Adygei cheese (by the way, traditionally made from sheep's milk).

As for the serum, then it is possible to cook various drinks, for example, mix it with the sugar, juice, any berries, and ready a refreshing drink that goes well in the heat.

Well, now you just give a detailed answer to the question of how to make curd at home, and what it is useful for our body.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
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