The organizational change management as a key tool for the success of your company


2018-03-28 22:00:09




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In a market economy can only survive those who are able to adapt quickly to new circumstances and requirements. Managing organizational change is key in achieving your goals in the shortest possible time. Unfortunately, due to the fact that business in Russia appeared relatively recently, many entrepreneurs prefer to achieve maximum stability, forgetting about the benefits and new opportunities. According to statistics, it is because of this indecision for 5 years closes 9 out of 10 firms, but the success lies in adapting to the new conditions.

organizational change managementChanges in organizations – the process is very time consuming, especially if the more than 10 people who work with the opening of the enterprise. Greater complexity does not bring much technical equipment or training as a psychological factor. During long years of work the man has produced his habits, affections, and weaknesses, he creates around himself the so-called comfort zone. New standards, rules and mode of work just to knock some off track, reducing the efficiency of work for a long time. Therefore, the management of organizational change involves many aspects, including psychological and that allow in the shortest time to return performance to the same level that was before the introduction of innovations.

According to the scientific definition, organizational change management – it is a system of actions and approaches to translation of entities or structural units from the current situation to the desired future. Having its own characteristics and specificities, it is recognised dependent on the basic science of management, subject to its common laws and regulations.

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changes in organizationAs mentioned earlier, the process of change is very difficult and lengthy, the final stage could lead to even more disastrous state of Affairs at the enterprise. To reduce the risks in the mid-twentieth century was developed the main stages of the management process:

- Defrosting. In the first stage the necessity of changes and approval stimulated interest in it. The second stage starts preparatory work for the beginning of the process.

Movement. There's only one step, which aims at the implementation of changes and their successful implementation.

- changes.

phases of the management processThe First step is to evaluate completed work and correction of the result, if required. The final stage covering the entire project, is to fix the experience. Unfortunately, among our business leaders such units. If the experiment failed, something about it, and do not want to say, successful is often taken for granted in connection with done hard work. But a documented process with the subsequent analysis can not only save you time in the future, but to save the most valuable-experience, even if the project Manager leaves your firm.

As you can see, organizational change management – global process, containing many nuances. Therefore, businessmen reduce the risks of impact to zero, turning to specialized firms, but we need to be careful. A recent study showed that only 22% of the total number on the market is really competent in these matters and have rich experience.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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