Akop Nazaretyan: biography


2018-03-21 23:10:15




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Akop Nazaretyan - known domestic scientist who specializiruetsya on the psychology of mass behavior and cultural anthropology. Also he has authored a number of publications on the theory of development of society, the so-called "big history." It refers to the history of human development in the context of the history of the entire Universe and planet Earth.


Akop Nazaretyan

Akop Nazaretyan was born in Baku in 1948. During his scientific career he managed to publish nearly 250 publications, including eight monographs. Is a doctor of philosophical Sciences and a candidate of psychological Sciences. He is the chief editor of "Historical psychology and sociology history," chief scientific officer at the Institute of Oriental studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Among the fellow Akop Nazaretyan is best known as the author of the hypothesis of techno-humanitarian balance. On its basis, he explained the development of cultural regulators of behavior, and relate the thinking of technical progress. According to Akop Nazaretyan, the growth of the technological power of humanity requires the development of new moral restraints. The main challenge for companies in the near future to adapt to the increasing instrumental capabilities that can disrupt geopolitical or natural bases of existence.

First the concept of universal history

Akop Nazaretyan books

His first important scientific work in 1991 published Akop Nazaretyan. Biography of the scientist then began to attract anyone who is seriously interested in historical science.

Nazarenes published a concept of universal history. This kind of integral model of development of the Universe starting from the Big Bang and ending with modernity. Scientists throughout this period is perceived as a process that includes several stages - the astronomical, geological, biological, social and microhistory (this is the story of cycles and of life, developing in microcosm).

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The Approach suggested by the hero of our article, allowed to develop a series of specific successive fundamental factors that are realized at different stages of evolution. For example, it is the law of hierarchic compensations, the rule of excessive diversity, the law of techno-humanitarian balance.

The Phenomenon of social violence

Akop Nazaretyan biography

Your Nazaretyan research conducted in political psychology. In particular, he investigated the phenomenon of social violence: how it has evolved in the past and how it develops in the present. Also a scientist interested in the natural aspects of mass behavior: how does the violent crowd, as they are distributed in society, the rumors that could lead to sudden mass panic.

By the nature of its activities Nazaretyan advised many political leaders, not only in Russia but also in the former republics of the Soviet Union. He helped them in the conduct of election campaigns has contributed to the prevention or prompt repayment of social conflicts.

Many of the ideas outlines in the journal "Historical psychology and sociology history", whose editor he is.

Academic activities

Akop Nazaretyan biography journalism

Willingly shares knowledge and experience Akop Nazaretyan. Biography, journalism author long attracted researchers worldwide. Therefore, his lectures in Russia and abroad free places practically do not exist.

His lectures he reads in several languages - Russian, Spanish and English. He is in demand at universities of Russia, Europe and Latin America.

The Courses which he teaches on political psychology, cultural anthropology, evolution of mental processes, psychology of spontaneous mass behavior, universal history, psychological parameters of social security.

Books of the Nazaretyan

Akop Nazaretyan, whose books are popular in the scientific community, has published dozens of papers.

In 2005 in publishing house "Academy", he published his course of lectures on the psychology of spontaneous mass behavior. In it, he examines how the aggressive crowd, how can a man resist the mass panic that such a dirty election technologies and black PR. All these questions he illustrates with many examples from fiction and nonfiction, as well as from his rich personal experience.

In 2015, he published the book "Anthropology of violence and culture of self-organization," which explores the evolution of social violence in the society. Carefully considering the hypothesis of techno-humanitarian balance.

Studying a Particularly critical phase of human history, which over time became a creative cultural responses to man-made crises. Through many centuries of historical experience, the author tries to understand the major crises of modern civilization, to predict scenarios of future developments.

Article in other languages:

BE: https://www.tostpost.com/be/mastactva-zabavy/16192-akop-nazaretyan-b-yagraf-ya.html

DE: https://www.tostpost.com/de/kunst-und-unterhaltung/16199-hagop-nazaretyan-biografie.html

ES: https://www.tostpost.com/es/arte-y-entretenimiento/16208-akop-nazaretyan-biograf-a.html

KK: https://www.tostpost.com/kk/ner-zh-ne-oyyn-sauy/16190-akop-nazaretyan-m-rbayany.html

PL: https://www.tostpost.com/pl/sztuka-i-rozrywka/16167-akop-nazaretyan-biografia.html

PT: https://www.tostpost.com/pt/artes-e-entretenimento/16165-akop-nazaretyan-biografia.html

TR: https://www.tostpost.com/tr/sanat-ve-e-lence/16197-agop-nazaretyan-biyografi.html

UK: https://www.tostpost.com/uk/mistectvo-ta-rozvagi/16184-akop-nazaretyan-b-ograf-ya.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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