The fourth season of the series "Charmed". The owner and his incarnations


2018-03-19 22:40:10




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A Triumphant series called "Charmed" has pleased its fans a very impressive number of seasons – as many as eight. Each of them has his own original and interesting. But the most striking is that its events and characters etched in the memory of billions of people. Among them, the fourth season in the beginning which killed the eldest enchanted and replaced by a half-sister, the youngest. Blagoja her, in fact, restored Charmed. Master, Seer, demons, chameleons and oracles-the main antagonists this season. Let's recall them now.

The First mention of the Devil

How in the world good dominant authority are the elders, in the dungeon all ruled by a powerful demon, who governs all the rest. First witch sister mention it in the third season. Prue, Piper and Phoebe for a long time believed that to destroy the main demon is impossible, and therefore avoided contact with him.

But soon the evil witch sends to one of the worst of demons – Saxa who kills Prue. At this point, strictly speaking, cease to exist as such charmed. The owner (also called "source of evil") exults in his victory and plans for the future a sinister future. Meanwhile, the sisters discover that through the mother they have one, swapna younger sister Paige. Payer takes her skeptical, but soon realizes that it – it is bloodless, and without it will be impossible to revive the power of three and deal with the devil from hell.

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Enchanted boss

Charmed: the Master of evil and its tricks

The First incarnation of the dominant forces of evil, we show at the beginning of the fourth season. After learning that witches found my fourth sister and was able to revive the power of three, the Owner is obsessed with vengeance. He invents the most sophisticated methods, which should help him win a long-awaited victory. In the first episode he is using the power of reincarnation, turning into a boyfriend Paige, luring her to the side of evil.

However, the plan treats a failure. In the future, he turns to the alleged doctor who literally brainwashed Piper, assuring her that her talking about witches and demons – nothing more than a mental disorder. Having won a defeat in this battle, the owner hires a demon chameleon that spy on sisters in their own home. After many a fiasco, the Owner goes to extreme measures in the battle – posseses a deep and absorb the sisters ' powers. Fortunately, in this situation, the witches find salvation, defeating once and for all that the Devil, as they thought.

Enchanted master of evil

The Appearance of the first owner

One of series of Hollywood, which was attended by the most difficult at that time, the special effects and makeup – Charmed. The owner – one of those demons had to literally sculpt. On his appearance worked best glimmery and costume designers, over the facial expressions worked psychologists and speakers, and the result exceeded all expectations. Scenario, master of the underworld ruled for many centuries, holds all demons in great fear. Previously, he was one of them – only acting, killing innocent good witches.

But the fate he was prescribed battle, during which he received the coveted throne under the ground, but lost his arm and half his face. The spectacle is truly sinister. The demon's pale skin, yellow teeth and a bald head. His left eye is completely black, and the right does is missing. He literally burned out as the entire right half of his face, as evidenced by the appropriate scars. On the face of the Owner also has a tattoo in the form of occult symbols.

which season of charmed Cole becomes the master

Who actually fought the charmed ones?

The Owner, as mentioned above, a particular demon, whose face is disfigured, and power is almost unlimited. But why should he, after all, in the underworld, as we know, there are a lot of entities, whose magical potential extreme nositelem and extensive? As it turned out later, the Owner – is not a specific demon, and a kind of spiritual essence, which is sealed all the evil in the world.

This entity travels from demon to demon, helped each new chosen one, ruling the underworld on his behalf. Note that in the Book of Ordinances of the sisters, patas to find the owner, find this demon. But we should remember that evil nature remains in him for many centuries, and the Book of Ordinances, known to be slightly more than three hundred years. So, after the destruction of the evil spirit does not vanish into thin air, and very quickly found a new incarnation.

charmed when Cole became the owner

Second source

For those who forgot what season of "Charmed" Cole becomes the master, the answer is – in the same the fourth. It happened in the moment when the demon with half his face was destroyed, and the Seer who helped the witches to cope with it, simply deceived sisters. She said that an evil spirit had gone into oblivion, but in fact he continued to live in one of their family members – in beloved Phoebe.

Themselves charmed when Cole became the owner, did not immediately know about it. He, using his demonic forces, got a great job, began to indulge gifts Phoebe,which aroused suspicion Paige. He managed long enough to deceive the sisters, and even marry one of them. But the good witch won't be long able to survive in the underworld. Soon she came back to his family and began to demand from their demon-husband divorce.

who played the boss in enchanted

Actors and roles

Now let's find out who played the boss in "Bewitched", the first and second of them. So, the demon, which disfigured half of his face, was played by Peter Woodward. He is well known at home, but in the Russian hire the tape with his participation appear very rarely. As for the second embodiment of the universal evil, then it did Julian McMahon, known in the series under the name of Cole Turner and Balthazar.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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