How to draw a desert with a pencil? Step by step instructions


2018-12-15 04:00:25




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Table of contents:

The Number of landscapes that you can copy from life, just countless. This mountain expanses, and sea, and forest trails, and gardens… the List can be endless, but in this tutorial we'll look at how to draw a desert. Very rarely do artists depict the landscape on their canvases, as I believe that it is extremely boring and monotonous. We're gonna turn this false judgment, and will show you how to make even the most barren land in the nature bright and colorful on paper. Well, read on and see below how to draw a desert step by step.

Make a sketch of the Sahara

This is the biggest desert on our planet, which is completely covered with Golden Sands. They form an impassable dunes that the winds are constantly changing their location. The sky above this relief always clear, blue and deep. The sun shines so brightly that its exact position is impossible to grasp. Well, we have compiled the most important facts about the area and is now approximately orientirueshsya how to draw a desert on this basis. Draw a sketch of the horizon line, light outlines of the dunes. Then the same thin lines denote the Bedouins and their camels. Consider thus the term. Here is the sketch and ready.

how to draw deserts

Second step

Now it's time to give the picture a more accurate shape. For this pririsovyvat carefully sand dunes, all sand swings and slides, the same is done with people and animals that are on the image. Here we note that it is necessary not only to know how to draw a desert to this pattern was high quality. It is important to grasp the proportions of people and measured against the vastness of the area. If with this task you can manage it, the work is almost done.

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Shadow and light

Despite the fact that sugar is sun cooks, there are places where shade is formed. This area, located behind the dunes, which are the direct rays, it's shadow reaching caravans, or single plants that there are. All this is to be in the picture, and why we use the technique of shading. Use a soft pencil to create the shadows in the right places. And in the deeper parts of it should be as dark, and the farther away from them – the brighter. Gradually the shadow to dissipate and turn into a light that illuminated the entire desert.

how to draw a desert pencil

How to draw a desert where there is no sand?

On our planet there are pustoshny places where it is dry and Sunny, but the usual sand dunes there. Such areas have in America, and they are typical completely dried out soil and small rocks that form valleys. To depict such scenery is even easier than the previous one. For this you will need to first sketch, which will include the position of all the rocks, all cacti and other terrain elements. So you will be valleys, which will go in the future. The next stage-drawing of soil, of rocks, changes in the topography. In conclusion put on paper the shadow, and then they will be more than enough. It would be best for such a figure to pour paint, making special emphasis on the shades of the sky. Indeed, in the American deserts, the beauty lies precisely in this.

how to draw a desert step by step,

Some tips

To thoroughly understand how to draw a desert with a pencil, you should be familiar with the rules of perspective. Need to find a point in the picture, which can be on the sheet (which will make the image more “school”) or beyond it (as the pattern becomes more professional). If you picture yourself in the desert, any objects (people, plants, animals), they first need to enter in their future. Also you should be able to draw these objects according to the rules, otherwise even the most beautiful landscape will be ruined with incorrect proportions.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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