Glazunov Ilya. A picture that can shake


2018-04-22 12:00:28




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Glazunov, Ilya Sergeyevich, whose paintings are presented below, since 1980, is the title of people's artist of the USSR. He is a full cavalier of the order «For merit" of the noted and other awards for their invaluable contribution to the development of art.

About the artist

Ilya Glazunov's paintings

Ilya Glazunov, whose paintings are now familiar to many not only in Russia but also abroad, was born in Leningrad in 1930, June 10. When the Great Patriotic war, he was in a besieged city. The boy is one of the family survived the siege, all the relatives were killed. He was taken on the Road of life, that passed through lake Ladoga when he was 12 years old.

After the blockade was lifted, the teenager returned to his native city in 1944. He graduated from the secondary art school and then the Repin Institute.

In 1956, Glazunov married. In 1957 he held his first exhibition of his work, which was a great success. Exhibition of the artist 1977 the authorities closed because of the picture “Road wars”, which allegedly contradicted the Soviet ideology. It was a picture of the retreat of Soviet troops. The picture destroyed, but there is a author's copy, which Glazunov painted later.

Since 1987, Ilya is the rector of the Academy of painting.

Early paintings

The First professional artist's works are distinguished by academic manner. Some of them are emotional and influenced by impressionist and expressionist. Such wrote Glazunov Ilya Sergeevich painting in the 1950s-the early 1960s.

The Song

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The Early work of the Creator – “Leningrad spring”, “Nina”, “Hell”, “Metro”, “Alone” and others.

Written at the time the painting “Last bus rdquo; (1955) allows you to visually travel back in time. We see that outside the window of the vehicle was twilight. Time for midnight. At last the bus ride 3 women. One of them – the conductor, she makes notes in a notebook on the number of tickets sold. Before and after the war, the ticket can be bought only in the bus from the conductor, who usually worked with women. She vigilantly watched that all the transferred money for travel, gave in exchange for the tickets.

Glazunov Ilya Sergeevich painting [

The Girl in the front seat. sad she's thinking about something else. Maybe she tonight had a fight with your beloved, or torturing her other sad thoughts.

The Woman in the last seat, like, a whole day went shopping. Now she was coming home from shopping. The woman was tired, she yawns and wants to sleep.

Here's heroines painted on his canvas Glazunov Ilya. Picture “Bruno”, “Pianist dranishnikova” also belong to the early works of the artist.


the artist Ilya Glazunov's paintings

Wrote Ilya Glazunov paintings that have gained world-wide fame. These include the painting “Eternal”. An artist graduated in 1988. Second name canvases “a Hundred centuries", because it shows the rulers, political and public figures, generals and other famous people who left their mark in history since the time of formation of Kievan Rus.

Timed writing Glazunov Ilya paintings for the Millennium of the Baptism of Rus. On the canvas we see endless people's procession, procession. On the canvas depicts several temples, the monk saints, Metropolitan Peter of Moscow, Alexei Moscow.

Cnaa: Boris, Dmitry Donskoy, Gleb, Potemkin, the artist Ilya Glazunov, whose paintings are so global, is also depicted on the canvas.

Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Lermontov, and other writers and poets, artists are also brought before us in the picture. Not only people, but historical events were recreated by the artist on the canvas. The picture can be studied for a long time, as she was able to accommodate people and significant events occurring in Russia.

Picture gallery

The Painting that is similar to the “Eternal Russia», can be seen in the gallery of the Creator. She is in Moscow, on Volkhonka street, the house № 13.

Like many paintings of Ilya Sergeyevich, painting “Great experiment" is large in size and reflection of the events of the country. Here, the artist whips the negative events that have occurred since 1917. In red star he painted Lenin and his colleagues, who conducted a ruthless experiment to build a “new world”.

Ilya Glazunov gallery picture

His work, the author condemns not only Hitler, but also those who brutally fought the Church, the ideas of Christianity. Condemns his work, Glazunov and a later event-Restructuring.

These and other paintings of the artist can be seen in his gallery. The experience of visiting this place will remain.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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