Most popular horror movies: a list


2018-03-27 17:33:14




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Popular movies – a great choice for viewers who want to tickle their nerves. The zodiac killers, monsters, ghosts, demons, vampires – the evil that threatens the main characters scary pictures can take many different forms. So the familiarity with what the film is guaranteed to prevent impressionable person to fall asleep at night?

Popular movies: the classics

There are some paintings that frighten viewers for several decades, the demand for which continues unabated. Remembering the popular horror movies that become classics category, not to mention “Psycho”. Best creation by Alfred Hitchcock was released in 1960, but now has many fans. The main character – a young woman, tired of relationships with inappropriate men, left his native city, taking other people's money. In the way she found the Motel where she hopes to rest. However, its owner – not an ordinary guy, which seems at first glance.

“the exorcist” - the picture presented on court of spectators in 1973. Famous kinodelo frightening behavior only daughter, which is becoming more and more inadequate. Doctors suggest the presence of the girls have a mental illness, but the priest has a different opinion. He is convinced that the child was a victim of the devil that must be cast out.

popular movies

Calling popular horror movies are recognized classics, we should not forget “Glow”. Adaptation of the novel by Stephen king was released in 1980. The main character played amazingly by Jack Nicholson. Jack Torrence gets the position of caretaker at a hotel that is closed for the period of off-season. With him to the hotel arrive wife and son. It soon becomes clear that the hotel has its secret.

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“the exorcism of Emily rose" (2005)

In the list, which includes popular horror movies, not to include the tape and “the exorcism of Emily rose", the Director of which was Scott Derrickson. It is interesting that the horror story is borrowed from real life. A terrible event happened in 1976 with the girl named Anneliese Michael.

most popular movies

In the movie, the deceased student is named Emily rose. The investigation shows that the death of a young girl was the result of an exorcism performed by a Catholic priest Pestilence. The priest does not agree with the charges against him in a deliberate deprivation of a student's life. In an attempt to justify himself, he rushes to find the facts required to prove the existence of supernatural forces that affect people's lives.

“House of wax" (2005)

Calling the most popular horror films, we should not forget “House of wax" with Paris Hilton in the title role. The picture was a remake of the eponymous horror film, released in 1953.

popular horror movies list

The film's Plot at first glance seems trivial. A group of young people goes in search of adventure. In a way, their car suddenly stops to wind up, so they are forced to spend some time in a deserted town. In search of those who can help them with car repairs, friends accidentally meet in an abandoned Museum. Inside they see the wax figure looks almost indistinguishable from living people.

Ghost Stories

What are the most popular horror films touch on the subject of ghosts? In 2013, the audience was presented a terrible picture of the “Mother” that we should not watch it alone or before sleep. In the story, a few years before the main events of the film the Manager, lunatic, brutally killed with his wife, and then left in the forest two daughters. The girls were discovered only five years, the guardian was their uncle. Gradually, the adoptive parents begin to pay attention to the strange behavior of newly subsidiaries. Girls sometimes talking to someone invisible, whom they call mother.

most popular horror movies list

“the Amityville Horror" is a terrible film, released in 2005. In 1974, the police finds a few corpses, all victims shot dead and the sleeping are related. In the murder confessed the only surviving member of the family. The guy claims that to deal with parents, sisters and brothers told him ghosts. Of course, it is sent to a madhouse, but the ghosts of the victims remain at the scene. The most terrible begins, when the house where the murder was committed, a new family moving in.

Listing the most popular horror films, who can forget the movie “Other” with Nicole Kidman in the title role. Nicole plays an English grace, which the Second world forced to part with her beloved husband, went to the front, and move with the kids to the mansion, located on an island off the English coast. Grace is concerned not only with fear for wife, but unknown disease that struck son and a daughter. Children can't bear the sunlight, feel comfortable only in darkness.

“Astral" (2011)

There are other noteworthy popular horror films. The list undoubtedly includes a fascinating horror story "Astral", released in 2011. The Creator of the movie was Director JamesWang, who worked on such famous horror films, like “silence”, “Saw”.

what are the most popular horror movies

The protagonist of the strip – a University teacher who acquires a new home and moving in with his family. Parents and children are not even aware that they can get acquainted with inhabitants of the other world who are unhappy with their presence.

More view

Collecting the most popular horror movies, a list of stock and “Paranormal phenomenon”, released in 2007. Interestingly, when creating a tape has been spent no more than 15 thousand dollars, while the fees in the rental exceeded 200 million. The action takes place in a new home to move couple. Their night rest break strange sounds, the source of which is a guy and a girl can't identify.

Viewers who like stories about serial killers, must pay attention to the movie "Hostel", released in 2005. Three young boys, exploring Europe, decide to stay for a while in one of the cheap hotels in Slovakia. Suddenly one of the comrades lost.

“grave encounters" of the horror presented on court of spectators in 2011. Young journalists are sent to an abandoned mental hospital, attracted by the mysterious stories about ghosts. Ghosts are not forced to wait. Finally, it is now fashionable theme zombies cover such horror as the ‘world War Z”, “28 days later”, “Report”.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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